Monday, December 7, 2009

Transforming Africa’s Infrastructure

A study commissioned by the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) and recently conducted in 24 African countries Africa's Infrastructure: A Time for Transformation shows that the poor state of infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa - its power, water, roads, and information and communications technology (ICT) - cuts national economic growth by 2 percentage points every year and reduces business productivity by as much as 40 percent. Infrastructure accounts however for a large share of Africa’s recent growth performance, and could contribute much more. But Africa's basic infrastructure lags far behind that of other developing regions. Infrastructure services are twice as expensive in Africa as elsewhere. To raise Africa's infrastructure endowment to a reasonable level within the next decade, will cost $93 billion a year, split two to one between investment and maintenance. Africa already spends $45 billion, half the required amount. Efficiency gains could raise an additional $17 billion from within the existing envelope. Even then, an annual funding gap of $31 billion would remain. For more information visit the ICA Africa Website.

The video below is a compelling look at some of Africa’s infrastructure challenges and what we’re doing to bring transformative change.

Alex Rugamba
Coordinator, ICA